What’s this site about?
Mostly travel and wildlife. We’ll be adding trip reports from our holidays along with lots of photos of the birds and wildlife we found.
We’ll also be talking about other fun things that we’ve done, like Barcelona’s brilliant Merce festival and loads more.
Who/what are avengerpenguins?
Avengerpenguins are Chris and Julie. We’re a pub quiz team and we compete in a few quizzes in the Shrewsbury and West Midlands area of England. We put any cash that we win towards funding our holidays – and we have as many of those as we can afford. You’re most likely to find us in The Beacon, Shrewsbury on a Sunday night, where we are The Artful Penguins, having joined forces with the Artful Stodgers some years ago. But we can pop up anywhere from time to time and have even won a pub quiz in Amsterdam.
Honorary avengerpenguins (past and present)
Charlie - technical support - specialises in bikes and reptile questions.
Steve - former Artful Stodger - specialises in films and medical issues.
Pippa - a big fan of the picture rounds - "Is she that one who was in thingy with that other fella?"
Neil - a sadly missed former Artful Stodger.
Tony - former Artful Stodger - specialises in Paul MacCartney and football.
Alex - Chris’s eldest son - specialises in brands of gin and tarty restaurants.
James - Chris’s youngest son - specialises in films and pictures of celebrities we've never heard of.
and we’d better not forget the late Motto Jones, whose quizzes at The Beacon helped fund our trips.
What's New
A report on a two week trip to Catalunya, Spain with mountains, Santa Tecla and, of course, Barcelona's Merce festival. .
All of the reports and photographs on this site belong to avengerpenguins. Please feel free to reproduce anything that you might need for personal or educational reasons, with acknowledgements where appropriate. We can e-mail you a full resolution copy of any photographs that will be better quality than those on the site. In the unlikely event that anyone want to use any of the site contents for commercial purposes, please contact us for details.
If you want to contact us please email to avengerpenguins@gmail.com